Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rough HighRez animation compile

I was cutting up the edited animatic for the Lizard movie so that I could see exactly what pieces of the set were exposed to the camera to ensure that everything was properly lit. When I referenced one of the animations the Lizard skin material didn't come though, I had worked on getting that to link properly last semester so this kind of frustrated me. I determined that in about half of the animations it was likely that the connections for the textures in the lizard material were made from within the animation file instead of the Lizard file being referenced, when the Lizard2 is referenced the texture information is overridden with path locations that exist only in the animation file.

Just to see how well all of the camera positions and animations meshed with the high rez set, I referenced it to all of the animations I got from Abel for the first scene. This just gives a vague idea of what exactly needs to be relinked or what changes to the animations will need to be made before actual rendering.

I think that all of the animations being finalized should probably be done from now on in the high resolution set?

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